Wednesday, October 27, 2004

yes, i'm a slacker.

if you're here looking for pictures of aiden, click on October on that list to your left under archives. that'll bring up all the pictures i've posted to date. granted, you'll have to scroll a bit but the pictures are there.

Friday, October 08, 2004

beach in hawaii

shoreline in boston

what they refer to as mountains in tucson.

i don't know who this little boy is but i think he was trying to dig his way to china.

ice storm in arkansas

lizard in tucson



rural arkansas

main street in memphis

geese in an arkansas lake

this is one of my favorite shots taken off the coast of rhode island of an unknown woman.

kids at the beach in mexico

another tucson shot

my buddies from huey's in memphis

my nephew when he was a little fellow

light house on cape cod

beach in mexico...wonder why they call it rocky point.

pretty flower

never order this girl a drink named after a force of nature.

sun setting in tucson

Saturday, October 02, 2004

what are you looking at?

shhhhhhh, it's nap time.

an apple a day...

MOM...he won't let me have the remote....


sweet dreams

haha...i peed on her.

i wonder how i can get them to give me that...

you think i'm taking a nap?

hmmm....guess i'll have to hide.

maybe if i don't look at the camera she'll go away.

some privacy, please.


i was hoping she wouldn't find me here.

you stopped swinging to take ANOTHER picture? that's crap.

do you see what that flash is doing to my retinas? well...DO YOU?

pizza crust is yummmmmmmmy.

now if this thing would only go a little faster...

i see you.

where's my remote? it's time for emeril live.'m trying to play here.